b'BacteriaBacteria are germs that are found everywhere. They can be transferred to food from sources like animals, other people, raw meat, or dirty utensils, and they can grow on food any time it is not kept at a safe temperature. The FDA calls the temperature range between 41 F and 135 F the Danger Zone. Bacteria is more likely to grow in this temperature range than in colder or hotter environments; make sure all Potentially Hazardous Foods are kept out of the Danger Zone. Potentially Hazardous Foods, or PHFs, are certain kinds of foods that are more likely than others to grow dangerous bacteria.Three tips to avoid spreading viruses1.Dont touch ready-to-eat food with your bare hands only handle it when wearing gloves or using utensils. 2.Do not come to work if you have a fever, if you are vomiting, or if you are experiencing diarrhea. 3.After using the toilet, wash your hands twice: first in the restroom, then once again when you get back to the kitchenthere could be germs lingering on the door handles of the restroom facilities.21'