b'Personal Hygiene: A set of personal grooming and cleaning habits that form the best defense against foodborne illness. The most important part of good hygiene for food service workers is regular, thorough hand washing.Person in Charge: This is the manager or other person on site at a food service establishment who is trained in food safety, can instruct other employees, and will answer any questions about the Food Code and food safety. The Person in Charge must be knowledgeable about preventing foodborne illnesses and must know how to apply Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points.Poison: Any substance that can cause harm to a living creature in sufficient amounts. Something is considered a poison when it is especially toxic; milder substances might be labeled as an irritant rather than a poison.Potentially Hazardous Foods: These are foods that are more likely than others to grow bacteria when theyre in the Danger Zone. Any moist, nutrient-rich food can fall into this category, particularly meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables.Prohibited Foods: Some foods are not allowed in a facility that serves a Highly Susceptible Population. These include any fish, egg dish, meat, or poultry that is undercooked; seed sprouts; and non-pasteurized packaged juices.95'